Newest Member: Bluediamond118


Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. ~Corrie Ten Boom

C C E Test

It is time to start signing up for the 2024 SI Christmas Card Exchange! Details and the sign up form are posted here. Any questions/comments can be addressed on this thread. Deadline for participation is Thursday, October 31st.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we sign up to participate?

A: Please use the online sign-up form if you wish to participate.

Q: But what if I want to remain anonymous?

A: Everyone will remain anonymous. Only MangledHeart and the SI Elves will see the names on the mailing labels. All other participants will only see your username or however you decide to sign your Christmas cards.

Q: How do we handle postage?

A: A list of participants will be posted after the October 31st sign-up deadline which will include the cost of the postage to apply to each participants' envelope. Postage rates are based on USPS first class standard size envelopes for the current rate.

Q: Who applies the postage to the envelopes?

A: All members are required to add their own postage on the envelopes for each recipient.

Q: What about International members sending cards to the United States?

A: Please enclose the correct amount of USD currency you will need for postage in your package and we will purchase the postage on your behalf and apply them to your cards. the Elves will apply them to your cards during their toy making breaks.

Q: What is the record amount of envelopes sent/received?

A: Our record was 2013 with a staggering 5082 cards!!!

Q: What is the "Real Name" used for on the Christmas Card Exchange form?

A: It's up to you how you want your envelopes labeled. Just specify the name as you would like your postmaster to see it when they deliver your cards. Some members use their real name, some only use their first names and some only use their SI name. It's entirely up to you.

Q: If our spouses/partners are also members here, do they need to sign up as well?

A: No. Only one member needs to sign up on behalf of all family participants. Just make sure to include their username and/or real name on the Christmas Card Exchange form.

We would like to express our deep appreciation to the volunteer Elves that have come to the SI Santa's Workshop to help make all of this possible!! We look forward to the tradition continuing this year. They are wonderful and generous with their time and love for all of you.

Christmas Card Sign-up Form

0 comment posted: Thursday, October 3rd, 2024

2024 Christmas Card Exchange

It is time to start signing up for the 2024 SI Christmas Card Exchange! Details and the sign up form are posted here. Any questions/comments can be addressed on this thread. Deadline for participation is Thursday, October 31st.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we sign up to participate?

A: Please use the online sign-up form if you wish to participate.

Q: But what if I want to remain anonymous?

A: Everyone will remain anonymous. Only MangledHeart and the SI Elves will see the names on the mailing labels. All other participants will only see your username or however you decide to sign your Christmas cards.

Q: How do we handle postage?

A: A list of participants will be posted after the October 31st sign-up deadline which will include the cost of the postage to apply to each participants' envelope. Postage rates are based on USPS first class standard size envelopes for the current rate.

Q: Who applies the postage to the envelopes?

A: All members are required to add their own postage on the envelopes for each recipient.

Q: What about International members sending cards to the United States?

A: Please enclose the correct amount of USD currency you will need for postage in your package and we will purchase the postage on your behalf and apply them to your cards. the Elves will apply them to your cards during their toy making breaks.

Q: What is the record amount of envelopes sent/received?

A: Our record was 2013 with a staggering 5082 cards!!!

Q: What is the "Real Name" used for on the Christmas Card Exchange form?

A: It's up to you how you want your envelopes labeled. Just specify the name as you would like your postmaster to see it when they deliver your cards. Some members use their real name, some only use their first names and some only use their SI name. It's entirely up to you.

Q: If our spouses/partners are also members here, do they need to sign up as well?

A: No. Only one member needs to sign up on behalf of all family participants. Just make sure to include their username and/or real name on the Christmas Card Exchange form.

We would like to express our deep appreciation to the volunteer Elves that have come to the SI Santa's Workshop to help make all of this possible!! We look forward to the tradition continuing this year. They are wonderful and generous with their time and love for all of you.

Christmas Card Sign-up Form

4 comments posted: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

2023 Christmas Card Exchange

It is time to start signing up for the 2023 SI Christmas Card Exchange! Details and the sign up form are posted here. Any questions/comments can be addressed on this thread. Deadline for participation is Monday, October 31st.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do we sign up to participate?
A: Please use the online sign-up form if you wish to participate.

Q: But what if I want to remain anonymous?
A: Everyone will remain anonymous. Only MangledHeart and the SI Elves will see the names on the mailing labels. All other participants will only see your username or however you decide to sign your Christmas cards.

Q: How do we handle postage?
A: A list of participants will be posted after the October 31st sign-up deadline which will include the cost of the postage to apply to each participants' envelope. Postage rates are based on USPS first class standard size envelopes for the current rate.

Q: Who applies the postage to the envelopes?
A: All members are required to add their own postage on the envelopes for each recipient.

Q: What about International members sending cards to the United States?
A: Please enclose the correct amount of USD currency you will need for postage in your package and we will purchase the postage on your behalf and apply them to your cards. the Elves will apply them to your cards during their toy making breaks.

Q: What is the record amount of envelopes sent/received?
A: Our record was 2013 with a staggering 5082 cards!!!

Q: What is the "Real Name" used for on the Christmas Card Exchange form?
A: It's up to you how you want your envelopes labeled. Just specify the name as you would like your postmaster to see it when they deliver your cards. Some members use their real name, some only use their first names and some only use their SI name. It's entirely up to you.

Q: If our spouses/partners are also members here, do they need to sign up as well?
A: No. Only one member needs to sign up on behalf of all family participants. Just make sure to include their username and/or real name on the Christmas Card Exchange form.

We would like to express our deep appreciation to the volunteer Elves that have come to the SI Santa's Workshop to help make all of this possible!! We look forward to the tradition continuing this year. They are wonderful and generous with their time and love for all of you.

Christmas Card Sign-up Form

64 comments posted: Friday, October 13th, 2023

Couple Healing from Infidelity Study Research by Dr. Stephen Fife, Texas Tech University

Are you eligible to participate?

  • At least 18 years-old

  • Experienced infidelity in your current relationship

  • Still together with your partner

  • Experienced some healing from the infidelity

What would be required of me if I participated?

  • Complete a brief online survey (5-10 minutes)

  • Participate in a confidential 45-60 minute interview about your experience with healing (by phone or zoom)

Each participant who completes the survey and interview will be given a $50 Amazon gift card as compensation for their time (a total of $100 if participating as a couple) Interested individuals and couples should contact Stephen Fife at for more information, questions about the research, and/or a link to the survey If you have questions, please email me at

About Stephen Fife

7 comments posted: Thursday, August 10th, 2023

My New Beginning

I’ve been through a lot over the last 6+ years. It started with having emergency surgery in February 2016, recovering through March, getting the dreaded news of Deeply Scared’s cancer diagnosis on April 1st and her passing away on Christmas. Many things have happened since her death that have had a tremendous impact on my life, but the most recent events made my life more challenging to navigate. I may get more into that later, but I wanted this post to be a positive one because that is where I am now.

Ultimately over the last 5 months I have been in a major life transition that will put an end to the tumultuous adventure I’ve experienced. I have once again returned to Texas. I have made the decision to move back into the home DS and I remodeled the way we wanted to grow old in together.

Even though the tenants’ lease runs through midnight tonight, they gave me the keys today and I stopped in to revisit my past. The anticipated triggers weren’t there. It will be home again, and I know DS would be happy with my decision.


43 comments posted: Wednesday, November 30th, 2022

This is a test

This is a placeholder for a poll.

0 comment posted: Sunday, February 20th, 2022

New Topic


6 comments posted: Monday, December 6th, 2021

Time Issue Detected

Something went wrong with a post in JFO that somehow ended up with tomorrow's date.

It appeared to have occurred during an edit. I am editing now to see if I can recreate. The original time on this post is posted at 12:03 PM on Wednesday, September 15th, 2021.

2 comments posted: Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

Members Only Test

This topic should be members only. blink

17 comments posted: Monday, March 1st, 2021

Testing Unsubscribe Feature

Notify me of responses checked.

6 comments posted: Friday, August 14th, 2020

Bug Reports

Please post them here so I can track them down. Thank you for your help! smile

162 comments posted: Thursday, May 14th, 2020

New Features

There are a few new features that were built into SI.Net including a section at the bottom of your profile that displays who's been online in the last 5 minutes and image support in private messages. There are a couple of tools that you may encounter while browsing that are temporarily in place for testing. smile

31 comments posted: Thursday, May 14th, 2020


Testing HTML Exploit

3 comments posted: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020

6th Annual St. Patty's Party

6th Annual St.Patty's G2G

March 17-19, 2017

The Woodlands, Texas

Places/times to be determined. I will most likely have a meet and greet at the house as always. If the weather permits there will be a crawfish boil.

For sure:

















Sad in AZ







I'm counting on my peeps. DS wants this to happen. You know the time and place. See you then my friends.

[This message edited by SI Staff at 2:38 PM, February 26th (Sunday)]

170 comments posted: Saturday, January 21st, 2017

Testing SImplicity

This was edited. And edited again. ...and again.

1 comment posted: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Testing Database

Testing database after transfer...

1 comment posted: Friday, October 2nd, 2015

Chess Game Test

[This message edited by SI Staff at 2:07 PM, August 28th (Friday)]

5 comments posted: Friday, August 28th, 2015

Testing "New" Feature


This is a test. Nothing to see here.

68 comments posted: Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Game of Thrones

Season 5 will air Sunday, April 12th. I have a feeling I will not be the only one watching this. I started this thread is for discussing Game of Thrones. But please keep this thread a spoiler free zone.

Here is a sneak peek of Arya at the House of Black & White in Braavos:

330 comments posted: Friday, March 27th, 2015

a G O T

Testing GOT topic.

Making this bigger to view the background.

More space...


[This message edited by SI Staff at 11:35 PM, March 19th (Thursday)]

16 comments posted: Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Better Call Saul

Better Call Saul premiers tonight on AMC. Apparently it is a two night premier running tonight and tomorrow night.

I'm hoping for some Jesse & Walter cameos. There is talk that scenes may include hints of Breaking Bad like Walter's Aztec in the background.

31 comments posted: Sunday, February 8th, 2015

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead starts back up tonight. Anybody else watching? The previous episode, "Coda", comes on an hour prior if you want a recap.

168 comments posted: Sunday, February 8th, 2015

Premium Access

First, I want to emphasize that SI will remain a free website and existing members will continue to have access to all existing features moving into the future. When DS and I founded SI we did so to offer support for those that could not afford to pay premium fees to receive the support they desired to survive infidelity.

Second, I want to express how difficult it is for DS or myself to bring ourselves to ask for donations to help keep this a free site for all who enjoy it. We truly appreciate when members do this on behalf of SI, or to even go to the effort of staging fundraisers like many of you have done in the past. These fundraisers generally produce enough funding to keep SI operating for several months at a time.

DS and I, along with feedback and suggestions from the staff, have developed some additional features that we feel may be of interest to you. Along with these new features we are also going to make a change to how we handle access to the Investigative Tips forum for any new members that activate their memberships from this point forward. If you have already activated your membership then this new access restriction does not apply to you.

These changes are an effort to capitalize on SI and make it a self-sustaining non-profit organization. We have put together a series of packages that members may find appealing enough to donate to gain access to.

Effective immediately, the following changes have been implemented:

  • Members registering from this point forward will no longer gain access to Investigative Tips on their 51st post.

  • Donations of $20 or more per year will gain access to Investigative Tips and have access to SImplicity, a new mobile-friendly version of SI. For security reasons Investigative Tips will still require 51 legitimate posts to gain access.

    SImplicity also provides access to all of your posts that have not already been archived and SMS text notifications of incoming private messages.

  • Donations of $35 or more per year will receive the above benefits and also gain access to double storage space for their private message feature.

  • Donations of $50 or more per year will receive the above benefits and also gain access to their posts/threads in the SI archives dating back to 2008, ability to follow or forget other members, and granted a one-time permanent name change.

These upgrades are available now for members donating via credit card on our new secured upgrade form here. This link is also now available in your profile and you can also choose to sponsor another member by using the link located in their profile.

We are hoping this upgrade will generate enough interest to pay overhead and possibly allow us to start an advertising budget to make the public more aware of our community.

Upgrade Your Profile and enjoy access to these new features.

[This message edited by SI Staff at 9:31 AM, May 22nd (Tuesday)]

321 comments posted: Friday, September 21st, 2012

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